House Corrino Update

Hey everyone,

The House Corrino Update is now live and it's huge. Enjoy!

House Corrino

"Imperial House Corrino has ruled the galaxy for ten millennia, and Shaddam IV intends to keep it that way. The situation on Arrakis calls for the direct intervention of the Padishah Emperor, who will use all His wit and the might of His administration to turn the war to His benefit."

Check out the full House Corrino page here ->

Faction Bonuses:
  • Gains Hegemony by paying the Guild Fees
  • Can use Imperial Edict on Landsraad resolutions to switch their scope (if a resolution affects all factions, it will now affect one faction and vice versa)
  • The diplomatic action Imperial Mandate replaces Tribute and is unlocked from the start (House Corrino can lends 2 Sardaukar to another faction earning Solari when they kill other units)
  • +1 free Building slot on Villages
  • +100% Authority cost to annex Villages due to the distance from Main Base
At 5000 Hegemony:
  • Can use Main Base Deployment on Corrino’s and neutral Villages to land a second Main Base
  • Can offer Imperial Favor, once by Landsraad council, as part of a trade (+100 Influence)
At 10 000 Hegemony:
  • Main Bases gain Long Reach:
    • +30% Airfield range
    • Missiles attack from 30% further
  • +30 Landsraad Standing when other factions are elected to charters
  • Wensicia Corrino:
    • Can build some economic buildings twice
    • Increase Solari upkeep on buildings by 20%
  • Captain Aramsham:
    • Reduces Infantry units costs by 30% and combat stats by 30%
    • Grants 1 additional training slot
  • Princess Irulan:
    • Can spend Solari to cancel a negative resolution
    • Can use Development Investment on other factions’ villages (Boost production by 20%, House Corrino gains 20% of Village’s total production)
  • Hasimir Fenring:
    • Can resolve discoveries with Agents anywhere
    • -100% Intel production for enemy agents assigned on House Corrino
  • Ranged Infantry:
    • Gain +1 Power for each ally Infantry and Ranged Infantry nearby (x5 max)
    • Ranged
  • Ranged Infantry:
    • Gain +1 Power for each ally Infantry and Ranged Infantry nearby (x5 max)
    • Ranged
  • Incinerator:
    • Attacks deal damage within a frontal cone
    • This unit’s attacks ignore enemy Armor
  • Artillery Drone:
    • Must be deployed to attack
    • Cannot fire within close range
    • Must reload between shots
    • Ranged attacks deal damages in big area
    • Ranged attacks have 60% chance to destroy Armor
  • Sardaukar:
    • Execute enemies under 20% Health
    • Gains +5% executing Health threshold upon killing an enemy for the rest of combat (x5 max)
Guild Fees:
  • Collect Spice paid by all Imperial Taxes and Bribes
  • Must pay an expensive fee to the Spacing Guild with the help of the Spice collected
  • +1% Solari production per payed fee (x5 max)
  • House Corrino doesn’t have access to Maintenance Centers
  • Propaganda Office:
    • +30% resource production in the village but has an Authority upkeep
  • Emperor Monument (Main Base):
    • Applies the district bonus 1 more time
    • Ally Villages in the neighbouring regions have:
      • +1 instance of the Village’s traits
      • +500 Hegemony per ally Village in neighbouring regions
Spying Operations:
  • Consolidation:
    • +3 Armor to allies units and structures in the region
  • Interdiction Zone:
    • Enemies cannot use Carryalls and Airfields in the region
  • Orbital Strike:
    • Missiles strikes will drop from the orbit targeting units and buildings of the enemies, they lower Armor and deal area of effect damages
  • Economy:
    • Solid Materials (T1):
      • -15% buildings construction costs
      • +25% Health on all buildings
    • Imperial Taxes (T4):
      • +20 Solari production per faction paying a tax or bribe to House Corrino
      • Gains 2% Spice production of factions paying a tax or bribe to House Corrino
  • Military:
    • Imperial Protocols (T3):
      • Military units gain +10% Power for each active Imperial Mandate
      • -20% daily Supply drain
      • Regions owned by players in Truce with you do not drain Supply
    • Imperial Command (T4):
      • +6 Command Points
      • Enemy Airfield in Region with an active operation can be used to land for 5 Influence per unit
      • +2 Power to military units in the same region if there are 6 or more
  • Statecraft:
    • Outrageous Wealth (T3):
      • +5% unit Power per faction with less CHOAM Shares
      • +5 Influence production per faction with less CHOAM Shares
      • Unlocks the Emperor Monument building
    • Emperor Eyes (T4):
      • Fills 3 Counter Intelligence slots with unmovable Emperor Eye Agents (This agent cannot be captured & Does not count in the max Agents count)
      • Agents assigned on opposing factions produce +5 Intel
  • Expansion:
    • Megalopolis (T1):
      • Ally Villages adjacent to House Corrino’s Main Bases get +20% resource production & +20% Militias’ Health
      • Unlocks the Crafts Workshop building
    • Imperial Administration (T3):
      • +10% resource production to ally Villages with 4 or more buildings of the same type
      • +1 instance of each Village traits
      • Unlocks the Investment Office building


  • − Fremen rework of economy:
    • − Fremen villages:
      • − No more Refineries or Spice silos
      • − Shai-Hulud Temples are now exclusive to Ramallo
      • − -1 building slot in every village
    • − Fremen Spice harvesting:
      • − Harvesting caravans are built at your Main Base, limited by the number of Spice blows in your territory
      • − Harvesting caravans can be deployed on your Spice blows to harvest Spice
  • − Introducing the CHOAM Market:
    • − Buy and sell shares of the CHOAM on the CHOAM Market
    • − New victory condition: Own more than 50% of the CHOAM to win
  • − Update starting resources:
    • − All factions:
      • − Knowledge: 4 => 5
      • − Authority: 50 => 60
    • − Atreides:
      • − Influence: 20 => 30
      • − Standing: 250 => 240
    • − Fremen:
      • − Spice: 20 => 40
      • − Manpower: 50 => 60
      • − Manpower production: 10 => 12
      • − Water: 20 => 22
  • − Spice taxes and bribes:
    • − Imperial Tax: 25% => 20% of Spice production
    • − Imperial Bribe: 1.15x => 1.2x cost multiplier, 60 => 80 base Spice cost, 35% => 25% Spice production
    • − Spacial Guild Bribe: 1.28x => 1.3x cost multiplier, 0% => 15% Spice production
  • − Harkonnen Oppression rebalance:
    • − Cost is always 20 Manpower
    • − Negative trait lasts for 10 days and is stackable
    • − Negative trait effects:
      • − -50% => -15% resource production
      • − -50% => -15% building construction speed
      • − 15% => 3% daily rebellion chance
  • − Base pillage rewards have been increased:
    • − Villages: 200 => 300 Solari
    • − Sietches: 1000 => 1500 Solari
  • − Smugglers now gain +20% pillage rewards
  • − Ornithopter support for Harvesters’ Spice production bonus: +20% => +10%


  • − Balance and rework of hegemony to make it more relevant in multiplayer:
    • − Hegemony Victory threshold: 30k => 25k Hegemony
    • − Increased gains for:
      • − Controlled Regions: 110 => 220 for Large map, 150 => 300 for Medium map, 200 => 400 for Small map
      • − Controlled Special Regions: 500 => 1000
      • − Allied Sietches: 400 => 790 for Large map, 500 => 900 for Medium map, 600 => 1050 for Small map
      • − Held Charters: 600 => 1300
      • − Landsraad Standing: 
        • − Medium: 200 => 300
        • − High: 600 => 800
        • − Very High: 1200 => 1800
      • − Faction unique Hegemony gains:
        • − Atreides: 150 => 500 per vote won
        • − Harkonnen: 40% => 60% Intel cost of missions
        • − Smugglers: 110 => 220 for Large map, 150 => 300 for Medium map, 200 => 400 for Small map for each Underworld Headquarter built
        • − Fremen: 5 => 7.5 for Large map, 7 => 10 for Medium map, 10 => 13 for Small map for each Water produced
      • − Recycling vats: 50 => 100 per produced Water
    • − No more gain for:
      • − Defeating units
      • − Paying taxes and bribes (except Corrino)
    • − Reduced “White Rift” special region bonus to Craft Workshop production: x3 => x2
    • − Removed “CHOAM Shares” spying mission
  • − Hegemony breakdown redesign


  • − Units now resupply when near buildings. Healing and resupplying now have the same trigger.
  • − Added a cooldown to thumper usage (only one thumper can be used at a time)
  • − Rework and Balancing of Smugglers units
  • − Nerf Infiltrators
  • − Nerf Fremen “Ceremonial Caves”
  • − New unit: Assassins
  • − Smugglers’ Snipers can now be pinned down
  • − All melee attacks by ranged units now deal 50% less damage. “Pinned down” no longer decreases power but still forces melee attacks
  • − Occupying a village now allows you to detect stealth units in occupation range
  • − Units are now more likely to automatically join fights from further, especially if they have a high range
  • − Atreides’ drones’ daily regen on nearby units: 20% => 25%
  • − Scavengers’ ability when participating in a kill: no more Power bonus, but daily regen 10% => 15%
  • − Free Company’s damage bonus based on the enemy’s missing health: +50% => +100%
  • − Warrior’s effect: Unit damage received +10% => Unit’s speed -10%
  • − Kulon Caravans now transport a mobile missile battery instead of a tent


  • − Village traits rework:
    • − Villages have 1 => 2 traits
    • − Merchants: 6 => 8 Solaris production
    • − Desert Miners: 8 => 10 Plascrete production
    • − Strong Network: 1 => 2 Intel production
    • − Handymen: -50% => -60% building creation cost, -50% => -60% extension slot cost
    • − Scavenger Network: 20 => 50 Solaris per enemy kill in your territory
    • − Hard Workers: +20% => +15% resource production
    • − Connection: -5% village annexation Authority cost => +30% agent recruitment speed
    • − Scientists: +30% => +20% Knowledge production
    • − 4 New village traits:
      • − Well Diggers: +5 Water
      • − Secret Holders: +20% Data Center production, 1 extra Data Center can be built
      • − Youthful Eagerness: +20% Recruitment Office production, 1 extra Recruitment Office can be built
      • − Former Soldiers: +1 extra militia slot
  • − Building balances:
    • − Ceremonial Caves: +5% => +3% Army Power, -5% => -3% Spice production
    • − Investment Office: Gives +1 instance of both village traits instead of +2 instances of a single trait
  • − Shorter building demolition time
  • − Underground Headquarters are now faster to install
  • − The breakdown of Authority cost for annexation has been reordered for clarity
  • − Villages are devastated when their owner lose the game
  • − Missile Batteries’ range has been slightly lowered


  • − Training Grounds trait: -50% => -30% training cost & time for the first unit type of the corresponding faction
  • − Fremen Settlement buildings:
    • − Fremen Trade Hub: +100% => +200% trade resources gain with this Sietch
    • − Fremen Goldsmithery: +10% => +5% Solari production for you and your allies
    • − Desert Training Centers: +20% Power => +10% Power, +2 => +1 Armor for Fremen and neutral militias
    • − Gossip Barterers: +10 => +5 Intel production per neutral villages in the region and its neighbours
    • − Desert Analysts: +2 => +1 Knowledge per neutral villages in the region and its neighbours

Main Base

  • − “Embassy” is now unlocked by the “Political Stance” development
  • − “Administrative Hall” is now unlocked from the start of the game
  • − Balancing of Main Base Buildings:
    • − Embassy: -30% => -25% Treaty upkeep, +10% => +15% resource production per related treaty, +1 Standing production
    • − Bazaar: Now generates 5 Spice, Solari, Plascrete and Water per completed district, +2 => +1 Influence production per allied Sietch
  • − District Bonus rework:
    • − All 1 district bonuses: +20% => +50% speed to their respective development tree
    • − Senate Envoyees (2 district Statecraft): +100 max Influence => +2 Influence production
    • − Political Forum (3 district Statecraft): +2 Standing production => +100 max Influence
    • − Insurance Banks (2 district Economy): +10% Solari production => +20 Solari production
    • − Economic Lobbies (3 district Economy): +20% CHOAM Share Hegemony gains => +10% Solari production
    • − Military Investments (2 district Military): +2 => +1 Power to all units
    • − Master Armorers (3 district Military): +2 => +1 Armor to all units
    • − Desert Trainers (Fremen 3 district Military): +20% => +10% Army Health


  • − Balance of spying mission costs
  • − New spying mission icons
  • − Supply Drop: +50% => +65% daily Supply regen
  • − Removed Poison the Reserves
  • − Removed CHOAM Shares
  • − New spying missions:
    • − Scavenger Team: converts 50% of the Power of dying military units into Solaris
    • − Support Intelligence (Atreides): -5% damage received per operation active
    • − Toxic Vapors (Harkonnen): Prevent troop regen and -20% daily Army Health
    • − Ghost Market (Smugglers): Spawns a Point of Interest stealing 15% of the region’s Spice, solari and Plascrete as long as it’s not resolved
    • − Hidden Thumpers (Fremen): Allows riding from and to this zone without paying any Thumper
    • − Pillage Raid (Smugglers): Launches a raid of marauders on a selected village
    • − Communication Jamming (Smugglers): Blocks all enemy operations on the zone
    • − Worm Calling (Fremen): Instantly calls a worm in the region
  • − Spying missions availability changes:
    • − Cease Fire is now Atreides only
    • − Crowd Manipulation is now Harkonnen only
  • − Agents can now be swapped
  • − Reordered operations prerequisites for consistency
  • − Updated sacrificed agents presentation
  • − Nukes now remove militias from villages
  • − Improved Operations/Abilities Tooltips


  • − New faction-specific developments:
  • − Atreides Foremen (Atreides): Replaces Crew Training Program. +1 maximum assignable Crew in Harvesters, +10% Harvester Health regen per Crew, Harvesters set to auto-recall will also deploy automatically when danger has passed
  • − Embrace Culture (Atreides): Replaces Paracompass. -15% Peaceful annexation cost, -15% Water upkeep on villages, +5 solari production per controlled village
  • − Atreides Officers (Atreides): Replaced Military Threat. Military units gain -10% damage received inside Atreides borders, +1 Armor to military units if there are 2 or more in the same region, Unlocks the Heavy Militia unit
  • − Atreides Sympathizers (Atreides): Replaces Spying Mastery. -10% counter assassination mission cost, Agents assigned on Landsraad infiltration produce +100% more Influence, +5 max Agents
  • − Harkonnen Negotiation (Harkonnen): Replaces CHOAM Support. +10% CHOAM Spice exchange rate per agent assigned to CHOAM infiltration. Unlocks 1 Agent slot in CHOAM infiltration, Unlocks the Research Agreement treaty
  • − Monitoring Networks (Harkonnen): -25% Oppression cost, Increases Agent recruitment speed based on the number of villages, Unlocks the Investment Office building
  • − Arrakis Butchers (Harkonnen): Replaces Call to Arms. +20% damage against Militia, Gains 5 Manpower upon killing Militia, Unlocks the Cerberus unit
  • − Harkonnen Legacy (Harkonnen): Replaces Diplomatic Maneuvers. Unlocks 1 Agent slot in Landsraad infiltration, Agents assigned on factions in Conflict produce 1 Influence, Unlocks the Interrogation Center building
  • − Tinkerer Teams (Smugglers): Replaced Gridex Plane. +1 maximum assignable Crew in Harvesters, Underworld Headquarters produce 20% of the village’s Spice production, unlocks the Spice Silos building
  • − Aegis of the Underworld (Smugglers): Replaces Airfield Network. Regain 30% Supply after participating in a kill, -30% Pillaged annexation cost penalty, Unlocks the Investment Office building
  • − Organized Looting (Smugglers): Replaces Support Structures. +40% resources from pillaging villages with an Underworld Headquarters, Military units gain +4 Solari production while attacking an enemy Main Base, Unlocks the command Post building
  • − Underworld Bosses (Smugglers): Replaces Negotiation Tactics. -10% building upkeep in Underworld Headquarters per Agent assigned to the village’s faction, Unlocks 1 Agent slot in CHOAM and Spacing Guild infiltration
  • − True People (Fremen): Replaces Military Threat. Unlocks the Tribute diplomatic action, +30 Manpower when liberating a village, 1 Fremen mercenary appears after liberating a village
  • − Developments changes:
  • − Composite Materials: +15% => +25% building construction speed, No more building repair speed bonus
  • − Advanced Engineering: No more Health bonus on buildings
  • − Modular Parts: +30% Harvester Health regen => Unlocks the Trade Agreement treaty
  • − Economic Lobbying: No more Spice exchange rate per agent assigned to CHOAM infiltration
  • − Gridex Plane: +10% => +5% bonus CHOAM Spice exchange rate
  • − CHOAM Hegemony: Became CHOAM Support, providing -15% CHOAM Share buying price and +25% CHOAM Share dividends instead of +5% Spice exchange rate per agent assigned to CHOAM infiltration, +5 Solari production and +5% Solari production
  • − Riches of Arrakis: +20 => +10 Solari production, +2% => +1% total Solari production and +20% => +10% Village resource production in special regions
  • − Crew Training Program: +50% Hegemony gains from Spice tax paid => Harvesters set to auto-recall will also deploy automatically when danger has passed
  • − Local Hubs: 0.2 => 0.25 Knowledge per controlled village, +40% => +50% resource production in villages with exactly one building, Unlocks the Administrative Hall building => Unlocks the Research Agreement treaty
  • − Paracompass: -20% => -25% Supply drain, Ornithopter +20% => +25% speed, Reveals all hidden Points of Interest => +25% military unit discovery investigation speed
  • − Border Defense: +1 Militia Armor => Unlocks the Heavy Militia unit
  • − Call To Arms: Unlocks the Heavy Militia unit => +1 Militia Armor
  • − High Command: +1 => +2 Armor for all military units
  • − Diplomatic Maneuvers: Unlocks the Non-Aggression Pact treaty => Unlocks the Political Agreement treaty, Agents assigned on opposing factions produce 10 Solari => Agents assigned on a faction in Truce produce 5 Solari
  • − Political Stance: +10 Solari production per active treaty => Each treaty contracted with another faction grants a 10% production bonus in its associated resource, +1 Influence per active treaty => Unlocks the Embassy building
  • − Stealth Gear: 10 Intel when ally agents escape capture => Allows the training of Assassins
  • − Atreides Merchants: +4 => +5 Solari production per active treaty
  • − Atreides Delegations: Other factions lose +100% more Landsraad Standing when breaking a treaty with you => -50% Non-aggression Pact cost
  • − Martial Economy: -30% => -20% military units Solari upkeep, -30% => -20% military units Solari cost, doesn’t grant an extra CHOAM agent slot anymore
  • − Instill Fear: Doesn’t unlock the Investment Office anymore
  • − Cruel Reputation: Using an operation in a region gives it -20% Authority annexation cost for 2 days => Ignore Corruption negative effects, Unlocks the Interrogation Center building => Unlocks the Political Agreement treaty
  • − Underworld Contacts: Underworld Headquarters produce 20% of the village’s Spice => Plascrete production
  • − Underground Network: Regain 20% Supply after participating in a kill => -20% buildings upkeep in Underworld Headquarters, Unlocks the Investment Office => +40% Village buildings repair speed
  • − Guerrilla Tactics: -100% Pillaged annexation cost penalty => Unlocks the Combat Drone unit
  • − Underworld Bribes: +20 => +10% solari production per faction with less Influence, Gain +20 Intel => +10 Influence by pillaging a village, Unlocks the Black Market Branch => Embassy building
  • − Spice Market: Unlocks the Spice Silos building => Reveals the position of all Spice fields, Unlocks the Bazaar building => Unlocks the Trade Agreement treaty
  • − Arrakis Secrets: Added + 30% Health for Harvesting Teams
  • − Spreading the Faith: +2 => +1.5 Solari production per neutral village in the world, +1000 Solari when liberating a village => Increases time to Annex and Liberate Fremen villages by 15%, doesn’t unlock the Shai-Hulud Temps anymore
  • − Dune Wanderers: Changed from T2 to T3, Unlocks the Recycling Vats building => Harvesting Caravan +30% speed
  • − Sand Walk Mastery: Became Sand Brotherhood, changed from T3 to T2, Military units are 30% less likely to attract sandworms => +15% Authority production per controlled Deep Desert, Military units have a 30% chance to survive sandworm attacks => -25% Water upkeep on villages, Units are not slowed in Deep Deserts => Unlocks the Recycling Vats building
  • − Desert Mastery: Surrounding a Deep Desert grants control over it => Military units in Deep Deserts gain Camouflage
  • − Desert Command: +20% unit Power per Crew in the same region => Military units gain increased Power and Speed for their first 5 attacks after riding a sandworm, 1 Fremen mercenary appears after liberating a village => +500 Solari when liberating a village


  • − Diplomacy has been fully reworked:
    • − Relation level is now binary: Truce or Conflict
    • − Truce costs Authority to establish. The longer time spent in Conflict, the less Authority Truce cost.
    • − Aggression is forbidden in Truce, with heavy penalties as punishment
    • − It is possible to enter Conflict without penalty for a cost of Influence
    • − Treaties have also been reworked:
      • − Treaties are only possible in Truce
      • − Treaty now cost influence to set and cancel
      • − Treaties now lasts until cancelation
      • − New treaties have been added:
        • − Tribute: Makes the other faction a tributary (paying 10% of their Solari and Influence production)
      • − Existing treaties have been improved:
        • − Research Agreement: +2 Knowledge, +50% research speed for developments already discovered by the other faction
        • − Trade Agreement: +20 => +40 Solari, Do not lose supply in the other faction’s territory, Regenerate supply near the other faction’s villages
        • − Political Agreement: +2 Influence production, +50 max Influence, Cannot vote for a negative resolution affecting the other faction
    • − Trading interface has been redesigned
    • − Can put more than 1 treaty in 1 trade


  • − Using agents on discoveries now requires owning its region or any neighbouring region
  • − Ornithopters can no longer resolve discoveries
  • − Discovery collection methods have been changed
  • − Discovery rewards have been changed:
    • − Crashed Shuttle: “Investigate the crash” replaced with “Sell the location to scavengers”, awarding Solaris
    • − Marauders Camp: “Hire them for a raid” cost increased: 250 => 600 Solaris
    • − Ruins: “Preserve the ruins” reward increased: 200-300 => 700-800 Hegemony
    • − Bene Gesserit Relic: “Analyse the Relic” replaced with “Bargain with the Sisters”, awarding a large amount of Influence, “Return the Relic” replaced with “Disassemble the Relic”, awarding 4 days of Statecraft research
  • − Hidden/revealed discoveries have been tweaked
  • − New discoveries
  • − All current discoveries are now accessible without Paracompass
  • − Prevented the same discoveries to spawn in the same and neighbouring tiles


  • − The first Landsraad Council now always starts at the voting phase, for easier onboarding.
  • − Added Review phase to the Landsraad to allow Corrino to use their Imperial Edict ability. It comes between Preparation (speaker of the council) and Decision (bounty and corruption) phases
  • − Imperial Edicts has a small chance to happen randomly during the review phase if the Corrino faction isn’t in the current game
  • − Water Seller Union Eligibility changed from 200 to 150 Water
  • − Dune Governorship availability requires less controlled territory and less allied Sietches
  • − Allies’ votes are now displayed in the Landsraad (Multiplayer Co-op)
  • − Smugglers’ Bounties can never cost more than 500 Solari
  • − Harkonnen’s Corruption now always costs 30 Intel
  • − Resolution tweaks:
    • − Labor Rights: -1 => -4 Solari production per positive Manpower production
    • − Water Regulation: -5 => -4 Solari production per positive Water production
  • − New resolutions:
    • − Sale Incentive: Increases the buying and selling costs of CHOAM shares by 20%
    • − CHOAM Contracts: All factions gain 50 CHOAM shares
    • − Landsraad Witnesses: Spawn 3 Landsraad judges for all factions
    • − Military Investigations: -50% military development completion speed
    • − War of Assassins: The elected faction gains 2 Assassins


  • − Lady Jessica now unlocks all treaties from the start
  • − Iakin Nefud: 60% => 50% of military unit refund upon death, -60% Combat Drugs mission cost => -5% Health for military units
  • − Drisq: +10 => +50% Ornithopter speed
  • − Bannerjee: 4 => 5 Authority per successful village pillage, Gain 40% more when pillaging a village => Units heal 5% of their health after participating in a kill
  • − Chani Kynes: +0.5 => +1 Intel production per adjacent neutral region, Incite Rebellion rework :
    • − Incite Rebellion now always costs 20 Authority
    • − Incite Rebellion now causes the rebellion of a third of all villages instead of one village per faction.
  • − Mother Ramallo: No more upkeep and building cost negation for Shai-Hulud Temples, Reveals the position of all Spice fields => Causes villages neighbouring Fremen to rebel on their own


  • − Overall AI improvements
  • − AIs now defend against Rebellions
  • − Added most new game mechanics to AI behaviours
  • − Tweaked AI Spice management
  • − Improved Underworld Headquarters building decisions
  • − AIs will trade less often


  • − Reconnecting during games is now more consistent
  • − Allow saving games when not lobby host
  • − Added pause cooldown in its tooltip when necessary
  • − The lobby list UI has been redesigned
  • − The faction choice UI has been redesigned
  • − Kanly lobbies now display large player cards for both players


  • − New Achievements
  • − New Tutorials windows for CHOAM, diplomacy and fremen harvesting teams
  • − Update Main Menu and In Game Menu
  • − Added Credits
  • − New Atreides base trait: +100% Standing loss when breaking Truce with Atreides instead of an increased Landsraad Standing
  • − New attack projectile generation system to allow for more cinematic projectile generation
  • − Landsraad raids during pariah standing are now supported by a “Defence Sabotage” operation, demolition units, and have more supplies
  • − The Fremen faction can now take control of Deep Deserts if they own all zones surrounding it once they reach the 5k Hegemony threshold

Quality of Life

  • − Double clicking on unit banners now behaves like double clicking a unit model: all units of the same type will be selected
  • − Unit banners are now considered when dragging for selection
  • − The first Spice village will now always be in the part of the region closest to the main base
  • − Added game options for airfield ranges and missile battery ranges to be toggled on at the start of the game
  • − Fixed units resetting their movement with every action command, leading to an unresponsive feeling
  • − Auto-recon is now disabled if an ornithopter is assigned to a unit or a harvester
  • − Deployable units are automatically undeployed upon using Shuttle/Worm-riding
  • − Added deploy/undeploy shortcut for units (G key)
  • − Added resupply range indicators (H key)
  • − Prevented action confirmation using a right click
  • − Cancelled ongoing attacks on Peacefully Annexed structures
  • − Units play a new looting animation when pillaging
  • − The deadzone for gamepads has been increased


  • − New alert sounds
  • − Added diversity on harvester voice lines
  • − New hover sounds on councillors
  • − Fixed sounds in tactical view
  • − Voices are now enabled in x2 gamespeed
  • − New and reworked voice lines
  • − New and reworked sound effects

User Interface

  • − Prevent topmost banner cropping in save/load file lists
  • − New faded warning sign when a sandworm is close to units but they cannot be swallowed (ex: they are on rocks)
  • − Added filter buttons for world informations and missile batteries
  • − Capped resources are now colored orange instead of red
  • − Cleaner look of Spice contract timer
  • − Changed colours to some stats (Health, Power, Supply)
  • − The top bar now looks a little better
  • − The tooltip for natural resources (Spice fields, minerals…) has been reworked
  • − Update HUD when player has lost
  • − Added some info to the thumper button CD
  • − Banners sorting has been reworked to be more intuitive
  • − Rework Interaction UI and pop-up (Pause, Dune governorship)
  • − Added empty save slots if there isn't enough saves in save-related screens
  • − Updated gameplay option descriptions
  • − Display the dynamic cost of shuttle transport on the cursor tip

Bug Fixes

  • − New agents can now spawn if you reached the max number of agents and then lost some
  • − Fixed Harkonnen Sacrifice bugging missions out after reload
  • − Fixed AI becoming game host
  • − Fixed AIs sometime not having councillors in online games
  • − Fixed issues with missile batteries on servers
  • − Fixed Arrakeen destruction timings when on the result screen
  • − Main bases effects are no longer paused when the camera is too far from it
  • − Fixed main base destruction steps pausing when zoomed out
  • − Fixed toggle world interaction and toggle missile battery ranges not working outside of tactical mode
  • − Fixed the select group UI not updating if the available abilities changed
  • − Fixed issues with attacks and projectiles hitting after their target is dead
  • − Fixed idle harvester alert staying on screen if it was eaten by a worm while parked
  • − Fixed quests not popping up when raids are disabled
  • − Added condition on quests giving agents so they don't allow players to have more agents than their limit
  • − Fixed Spice tax going so high internally it causes a negative Spice tax to appear
  • − Fixed village UI having bad width when producing many resources
  • − Fixed fuel cells not having enough space in the top bar
  • − Fixed replacing militia with one of the same type
  • − Fixed sandstorms not correctly fading out upon disappearing
  • − Fixed sandworms sometimes not targeting AIs
  • − Fixed military units attacking villages when there were still militias
  • − Fixed military units locked in an idle animation until moved when loading a save during a fight
  • − Fixed military units sometimes losing their target and not playing any attack animation
  • − Fixed military units not following their target for no apparent reason
  • − Fixed units loading in T-Pose
  • − Fixed units sometimes remaining stuck facing dead enemies
  • − Many units and effects using a "nearby" distance were not normalised, this was standardised and results in a buff of Executioners, Scavengers and Stealth Probe
  • − Fixed Cerberus losing the aggro of a village when they split
  • − Warriors and Wreckers no longer apply their debuffs on villages and buildings
  • − Fixed Smuggler Drones completely tanking performances because of a leak in its idle FXs
  • − Fixed Camouflage trait lingering even if its source no longer gave it (ex: Kulon Caravan in Hiereg form could break camp and other units would still be cloaked)
  • − Fixed AI-related crashes
  • − Fixed CHOAM Loans that didn't consider capturing an enemy Spice Refinery as exploiting a new Spice Field
  • − Fixed dead players that could still receive Drop Boxes from Negotiation Tactics and other effects
  • − Unit engage running animations have been tweaked to better fit with their speed which results in less floaty units during combat (especially ranged ones)
  • − Military units tried to move before attacking when they were already in range, resulting in a unresponsive feeling, they are now much more reactive
  • − Fixed Outpost Logistics affecting main bases and the upkeep of units in training
  • − Fixed militias that could get stuck if they had to attack enemies far away from them but not from their village
  • − Fixed tons of crashes
  • − Fixed a lot of texts


Corrino Banner

House Corrino

Imperial House Corrino has ruled the galaxy for ten millenia, and Shaddam IV intends to keep it that way. The situation on Arrakis calls for the direct intervention of the Padishah Emperor, who will use all His wit and the might of His administration to turn the war to His benefit.

Smugglers Banner

House Harkonnen

House Harkonnen shares its chilling reputation with its leader, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. They have been called despotic, merciless, scheming and devious. And those are only their finer qualities.

Smugglers Banner


There’s a fine line between smugglers and full-fledged bandits, and Esmar Tuek is adept at walking that line. Smugglers can provide anything to anyone, provided they put the price… and do not look at the specifics too closely.

Fremen Banner


Fremen are the only people native to Arrakis and will do anything to protect their way against the offworlders. While their leader, Liet-Kynes, doesn’t originally come from Dune, she is every bit as determined and attached to the planet as the next Fremen.