House Corrino

Corrino Banner
"Imperial House Corrino has ruled the galaxy for ten millenia, and Shaddam IV intends to keep it that way. The situation on Arrakis calls for the direct intervention of the Padishah Emperor, who will use all His wit and the might of His administration to turn the war to His benefit."

Faction Bonuses

  • + Can use Imperial Edict on Landsraad Resolutions to switch their scope
  • + Villages have +1 Building slots
  • + Units from any faction that recently betrayed a Truce receive +10% damage from Corrino
  • − +100% Authority cost to annex Villages due to the distance from Main Base

At 5k Hegemony

  • + Can use Main Base Deployment on Corrino and neutral Villages once
  • + Can offer Imperial Mandate, which gives Sardaukar to another faction, as part of a trade

At 10k Hegemony

  • + Military Units gain +5% Power per faction with less CHOAM Shares
  • + Gain +1 Guild Favour production per faction with less CHOAM Shares


Lady Jessica

Wensicia Corrino

Difficulty: Hard
+ Can build 1 more of every Village Building

+ Buildings that have only one copy in a Village have +100% Solari upkeep

"Wensicia is the third daughter of Shaddam IV. She is trained in stewardship and takes care of much of the day to day logistic of the imperial palace. Her impulsiveness often causes troubles, but brings her to rapid success even more often."

Duncan Idaho

Captain Aramsham

Difficulty: Hard
+ Your Sardaukar gain +10% execution threshold against Traitor factions and are available from the start of the game

+ Military Units have +10% Power per faction in Truce

"Captain Aramsham is a proud Sardaukar officer, used to wield authority over his subordinates, conscripts of the Landsraad and Sardaukar alike. Pragmatic and experienced, he is often put in charge of dangerous operations, which he always returns victorious from."

Princess Irulan

Princess Irulan

Difficulty: Easy
+ Every Corrino vote placed on a Landsraad Resolution affected by an Imperial Edict counts as 50% more

+ Can form alliances with Sietches in neutral territories

"Irulan is the eldest daughter of Shaddam IV. Her lack of brother makes her the prime candidate to become Empress at the death of her father. She received a Bene Gesserit education from her mother, but still keeps a strong ambition that often put her at odds with the Emperor."

Gurney Halleck

Hasimir Fenrig

Difficulty: Easy
+ Can investigate Discoveries everywhere, even withoutAgents

+ Can use Development Investment on Villages of factions in Truce

"Hasimir Fenrig was once part of the Bene Gesserit breeding program, candidate for the role of Kwisatz Haderach. He was abandoned by the Bene Gesserit because of a genetic defect. Serving as a mentat and assassin for Shaddam IV, he is also His closest friend."


Conscription Swordsman

  • Health: 400 | Power: 14 | Armor: 4 | Supply: 100
  • Recruitment Cost: 100 Solari | 20 Manpower | 3 Water | 3 Command Points
  • Upkeep: 3 Solari | 3 Manpower
  • Developments required: None
  • Range: Melee
  • Abilities:
  • + Protection Support: Other nearby ally Military Units gain +5% damage reduction while they have at least 1 Armour (5x max)

Conscripts are fierce fighters. They become stronger when supported by specialised units

Conscription Rifleman

  • Health: 400 | Power: 14 | Armor: 4 | Supply: 100
  • Recruitment Cost: 100 Solari | 20 Manpower | 3 Water | 3 Command Points
  • Upkeep: 3 Solari | 3 Manpower
  • Developments required: None
  • Range: 20
  • Abilities:
  • + Targeting Support: Gain +30% Power while having at least 3 Armour
  • − Ranged: Suffers Pinned down while engaged in melee combat:
    • − -50% Power
    • − Cannot use ranged attacks
Conscripts are fierce fighters. They become stronger when supported by specialised units


These shock troops are equipped with a device throwing burning napalm. This terrible weapon brings agonising death to it's target and awful nightmares to those who saw it in action

Artillery Drone

  • Health: 400 | Power: 20 | Armor: 6
  • Recruitment Cost: 200 Solari | 6 Fuel Cells | 4 Command Points
  • Upkeep: 12 Solari
  • Developments required: Support Structures
  • Range: 80
  • Abilities:
  • − Siege Engine:
    • − Must be deployed to attack
    • − Cannot fire within close range
    • − Attracts Sandworms if deployed on sand
  • + Siege Weapons:
    • + Fires slowly but deal damage in a large area
    • + Attacks have a 50% chance to destroy Armor
    • + Gain +100% damage against Flying Units
  • + Drone: Does not attract Sandworms unless deployed on sand
Once stabilised, these remote-controlled mobile artillery rain deafening shells on even well-defended positions. Beware to keep the enemy away from them, as they are quite vulnerable at close range


Elite troops of the Empire, the Sardaukars are widely considered the best fighters in the universe


  • Health: 500 | Power: 8 | Armor: 5
  • Recruitment Cost: 20 Guild Favour | 4 Fuel Cells | 4 Command Points
  • Recruitment Time: 3 days
  • Upkeep: 12 Solari
  • Prerequisites: Spacing Guild Branch
  • Range: 20
  • Abilities:
  • + Thick Plating: This unit takes -40% area damage while it has at least 1 Armour
  • + Demolition:
    • + Attacks deal damage in a moderate area
    • + Attacks have a 30% chance to destroy Armor
  • − Ship:
    • − Cannot investigate Discoveries
    • − Cannot investigate Village
    • − Cannot occupy Village nor contest their occupation
    • − Cannot target Village Buildings
The Hammer is a specialised bomber of the Imperium, designed to deliver high caliber explosives with frightening precision, and break any defensive position


  • Health: 4000 | Power: 14 | Armor: 6
  • Recruitment Cost: 100 Manpower | 100 Guild Favour | 10 Fuel Cells
  • Recruitment Time: 5 days
  • Upkeep: 50 Solari
  • Prerequisites: Spacing Guild Branch
  • Range: 10
  • Abilities:
  • + Deck Engineers:
    • + Can activate Airfield Configuration, allowing this unit to function as an Airfield
    • + Recover +10% Health per day outside combat
  • + Demolition:
    • + Ranged attacks deal area damage
    • + Attacks have a 30% chance to destroy Armor
    • + 100% damage against Flying Units
  • − Frigate:
    • − Cannot investigate Discoveries
    • − Cannot investigate Village
    • − Cannot occupy Village nor contest their occupation
    • − Cannot target Village Buildings
The Cronos is a symbol of the Imperium power. It is equipped with powerful flanking cannons, and the full intrastructure necessary to land shuttles

Unique Corrino Developments

Full Development Tree ->


Outrageous Wealth

  • + +5% unit Power per faction with less CHOAM Shares than you
  • + +5 Influence production per faction with less CHOAM Shares than you
  • + Unlocks the Emperor Monument building
The first step towards absolute power is the complete control of trades

Emperor Eyes

  • + Gain 3 Agents automatically assigned on Counterintelligence with the Emperor Eye trait:
    • + This Agent cannot be captured
    • + Does not count in the max Agents count
  • + Agents assigned on opposing factions produce 5 Intel
No machination can stay hidden for long from the sight of an Emperor



Centralisation of power and population brings a lot of benefit through economies of scale

Imperial Administration

Continuous investment can make the local economy thrive beyond imagination


Solid Materials

The Emperor's stay on Arrakis might be short, but the infastructure He brings may endure for centuries

Imperial Taxes

  • + +20 Solari production per other faction paying Spice to you
  • + Gain 2% of the Spice production of other factions paying Spice to you
Fighting frauds and laundering improve the imperial funding coming from the great houses


Imperial Protocols

  • + Your Military Units gain +10% Power for each active Imperial Mandate
  • + Your Military Units have -20% daily Supply drain
  • + Regions owned by players in Truce with you do not drain supply
The presence of the Emperor alone is often enough to intimidate the bravest noble of the Imperium

Imperial Command

It's the prerogative of the Emperor to commandeer any airport He may need for official business

Other Factions

Smugglers Banner

House Harkonnen

House Harkonnen shares its chilling reputation with its leader, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. They have been called despotic, merciless, scheming and devious. And those are only their finer qualities.

Smugglers Banner


There’s a fine line between smugglers and full-fledged bandits, and Esmar Tuek is adept at walking that line. Smugglers can provide anything to anyone, provided they put the price… and do not look at the specifics too closely.

Fremen Banner


Fremen are the only people native to Arrakis and will do anything to protect their way against the offworlders. While their leader, Liet-Kynes, doesn’t originally come from Dune, she is every bit as determined and attached to the planet as the next Fremen.

Ecaz Banner

House Ecaz

Coming soon...